Attorneys and lawyers throughout the USA are increasingly relying on videotaping depositions to to obtain witness testimony in the Asia pacific region.
To save the cost of time consuming travel to Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia our legal videographers can travel with real time US certified court reporters to the witness and setup audio or video conference so that the lawyers in the states can obtain the testimony quickly and easily.
The video recordings are conducted by well attired and courteous videographers (a terminology used in the USA), who ensure a neutral and total compliance with federal and United States rules as set by the America Courts regarding the recording of video depositions.
Legal Video Specialists have been recording depositions for over 30 years and have complied with federal laws working with attorneys from all different states and divisions of the United States of America. Whether it is a case of patent law, insurance fraud, copyright or criminal law, Legal Video Specialists have possibly recorded portions of a worldwide case in Australia or surrounding countries.
Legal Video Specialists use Sony High Definition 3 CCD US systems (NTSC) digital video cameras - as requested by the NCRA and other legal identities, and we can send the finished product in NTSC DVD within 24 hrs. Witness testimony on video will only be used, if the proper time stamping and real time are applied.